What is YouTube Content ID?
Content ID is a "tracking" technology that enables YouTube to recognize music registered with Content ID and assign it to the respective rights holder.

Provided to YouTube by AdRev - who or what is AdRev?
CoRev is a music distribution platform that enables rights holders to register their music with YouTube Content ID, among others, in order to detect and, above all, prevent any misuse (unlawful use of the music).
I have licensed a piece of music: Why do I still get a copyright warning on YouTube?
If your video receives a copyright warning (e.g. is identified as a "third party match"), there is first of all no reason to panic. It is only the information that the music used is managed by TerraSound (or AdRev) and TerraSound (Dag Reinbott) owns the copyrights.
This warning is NOT the same as a so-called strike against your channel. So your channel will not be locked or similar. All videos with a "third party match" are automatically "claimed" by YouTube. This simply means that the corresponding video does not allow monetization.
How can I remove the copyright warning? (ONLY possible with purchased license!)
Directly from your YouTube account
- Make an "objection" to the offending video in YouTube (drop-down menu to the right of the video -> SELECT ACTION >> Objection).
- On the following page, check the box at the bottom: None of the above reasons apply. However, I would still like to object to this Content ID claim., then CONTINUE.
- Select reason for your objection -> "LICENSE", then click on CONTINUE.
- Tick at I have permission from the copyright holder to use the content. set, then CONTINUE.
- Now you can specify the reason for your objection and upload license documents (PDF invoice from us).
I recommend that you copy the following text for your justification and add your data:
The release of the video by YouTube should usually happen within 24 - 96 hours.
About our website
If you have a License purchased from TerraSound.com you can also use the following form:
AdRev - Claim on YouTube
Please fill out the form completely so I can whitelist your video. Thank you very much.
Get approval BEFORE publishing the video - is that possible?
YES. You can also whitelist your video before it goes live on YouTube (preclearance). Please follow the steps below:
- Upload your video to YouTube - be sure to select the option "not listed" off (important!)
- With this option your video is not yet public, but a YouTube link to the video has already been generated
- Then simply submit the video for approval to YouTube or via our form as described above
Where can I find my license document?
For each licensing on TerraSound.com you will receive a license certificate (invoice with certificate as 1 PDF). This will be sent to you in a separate email after ordering. If you have a TerraSound user account, you will also find the corresponding invoice for download for each of your orders.
How does the whole thing work with the free / royalty-free music?
You may of course continue to use the free pieces as a private person (non-commercially). However, without a license, advertising will automatically be displayed over your video. YouTube will automatically open a warning when using the free music, which means that you cannot monetize the videos.
Why do I (Dag Reinbott) register my music tracks with YouTube Content ID?
For a long time I refused to use YouTube Content ID, because it is an extra effort for me and my customers. Unfortunately, there has been a lot of abuse over the years (my music tracks stolen, renamed, re-published - also via Content ID!), so I got several messages from angry customers who had purchased a license, but whose video received a copyright warning from some artist of a label. Of course, this makes an unprofessional impression and is clearly damaging to business.
If I don't register my music and log in to Content ID, I have no control over my own music and further abuse is open.
In addition, I do not want that my customers can be approached by foreign "artists" or labels, which do NOT own the copyrights!
I am aware that clarifying offending YouTube videos is an additional time commitment, but I see no other way to prevent abuse, help you clear any offending videos, and protect my copyright.
I hope for your understanding and your help, so that my music can be used on YouTube as before without any problems. THANK YOU for your support!
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me: to the contact form